Bunker Rulz 9: Promise liberation. Technology drives our myths of immortality drives technology. The Colony insists our minds are separate from the world – this delusion of immortality hides the moral impact of creating technologies that further injustice.

Liberation and freedom appear to have two directions. A radical demand: Freedom from oppression, from slavery, incarceration, abuse - freedom from violence. And a social-Darwinist libertarian, privileged entitlement: Freedom to choose, gated communities, schools, hospitals, holidays. Freedom to escape the responsibility of negotiating power and sharing equitably.

As gated AI, big data and bio-technology corporations attempt to enact our stories of immortality, collectively we have handed power to corrupt politicians and a greedy concept that the ‘free market’ will protect us.

Liberation becomes a commodity for sale, alt-facts and spiraling conspiracies confuse collective discussions. Decisions that are impacting everyone and everything on the planet are being made by a few privileged people who believe their wealth grants them the right to choose for all of us.

How do we support each other to regularly challenge our thinking?

How can individual solutions address collective needs? How can liberation be a joyful struggle? Caught in the headlights, how do we support each other while the train of progress is coming straight for all of us?

What is a life well lived?

Burn Your Ideas

Burn Your Ideas is an intervention, with artist talks and edible art workshop. All artists and community participants are invited to bring ideas for change, make up new tactics and destroy our work in a closing ceremony where we ritually smash supremacy thinking, eat our accountability and burn with curiosity.

Provocateurs corner: We fear that our separate struggles will be futile if we don’t recognize the unity of oppression and act on our intersectionality. How do we frame reciprocity as part of a mindful, respectful process that challenges and devolves our power and privilege? Or do we risk to get picked off, one by one? Part intervention, part revolutionary symposium, part candy installation, Burn Your Ideas explores how we can challenge our personal and collective assumptions. In the words of Aboriginal women activists around Lilla Watson: How is your liberation bound up with mine?


Creative concept, development and curators: Jen Lyons-Reid & Carl Kuddell

Installation: In collaboration with participating artists

Bio art: Jen Lyons-Reid

Video art: Johanis Lyons-Reid

Text: Jen Lyons-Reid & Carl Kuddell

Poetry: Poets tba

Photos: Change Media

Venues: Our _this breath symposium has been postponed due to COVID-19. Date to be announced in early 2021.